The original battery lasted seven and a half years. Not bad at all. It could have run for a few more months but I did not want to take the risk of getting stranded in the middle of nowhere and asking people to give me a boost. I bought a Kirkland battery since I was going to pick up a case of wine in Costco. The model number is 10. You could choose the Heavy Duty version and I went with the regular. In addition, they will refund you $9 (in CA) if you return your expended battery.

Before you start working on the battery, make sure you have proper protection. Wear safety glasses and wear gloves. Make sure you wait at least 3 minutes after turning off the engine to give time for the computer to store its memory. Remove the cover on the top of the battery compartment. Use an M10 socket wrench to loosen the screw of the negative terminal pull it out. Then work on the positive terminal. Remove the two screws holding the battery clamp with t he M10 socket wrench. One is hidden and you will need to use a flat screw driver to ply open the side panel to access to the screw. The original battery comes with two handles for ease of installation. Remove the old battery. Turn the ignition key to the II position and make sure no one is in the car in case the airbag deploys. Reinstall the
new battery. I stored the Kirkland battery handle somewhere safe to use in the future. Reinstall the battery clamp, the positive terminal and negative terminal in that order. Reinstall the battery compartment cover.
Total replacement time should take 10-15 minutes.